Storytime: Mr. Wrong

Dating. Ugh.

No matter how many pictures you examine, how they sound on the phone, or how their friends speak so highly of them, you never really know what you’re getting yourself into on a blind date. Even though there’s Facebook, Instagram, and whatever dating apps out there, actually meeting in person is always better to judge whether the guy/girl will be good for you.

Many years ago, early 2000s, a good friend of mine suggested that one of her boyfriend’s friends would be my type. She mentioned that he was very tall, in college, and whatever else that would convince me to just check him out, allow him to have my number and take me out to dinner. After some texts and chatting on the phone, we scheduled a date. All I remember is that it was a warm weather season. Once we made the arrangements of the date and time, I was making sure my hair would be good, deciding on an outfit, annnd that I had a babysitter. My homegirl watched my daughter for me since she lived close to where he and I would go to dinner at.

So earlier that day, he and I had talked on the phone for a minute. We discussed what time. One red flag was that I had to pick him up. I was a lot younger, so I'm just going to blame it on that. Because nowadays, hell no. Anyway, I picked him up and instantly it smelled like a damn cat had marked his territory in my car. I'm quite allergic to cats so maybe that's why I picked up on the scent so quickly. The other thing I noticed is that he had on a wrinkled, and dingy looking t-shirt. Like, really? You had the entire day to get an outfit ready to take me to dinner and you come up with that? Also, did you have the cat just sitting on your lap the whole day? All kinds of thoughts went on in my mind. Sorry, not sorry. 

Hilarious face of a surprised cat.
I may sound mean, but I wasn't mean enough to stop my car and say "You can change your clothes or the date is off." I should've took it there. We still went, though. He was very tall, and I love height. However, he was more of an awkward tall guy, like hoping he was more of everyone else's average height. The next thing I noticed while we were walking to get to the restaurant was that his jeans had the bottom hem missing in the back only, and he had on dirty Timberlands. :( I was so dressed up and pretty! I know men don't have to put as much effort as a woman into getting dressed, but sheesh. I was so disappointed. A shower, some clean clothes and spritz of cologne goes a long way. 

Free, Birthday Ecard:  Life is full of disappointments and I just added  you to the list.
At the date, I ordered a drink, and the waitress asked if he would like anything. He simply copied off of my little girly cosmo. Okay, so maybe he doesn't get out that much. Overall, he wasn't a bad guy. He was just unexperienced, maybe? I don't know. I just know that I wasn't the woman who was about to wash him up, dress him, and build his confidence like he was my own son. 

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