How I do it: Instagram

b e f o r e.

Way before Instagram, I was into it.

In my childhood days, one of my favorite cousins dressed Shan & I up, draped in fabrics, makeup and would do something quick and fancy to our hair. We would model on the famous family staircase that faced the large mirror in Nanny’s living room. It had a landing, and three more steps before you reached the floor. That was just the spot for everybody when they got dressed to check themselves out.

As I grew up, tall and very slim with long legs...people began calling me a model. I mostly heard the names, Tyra and Naomi, being the most popular high-fashion models of color. I always loved makeup, and dressing up. Once my sister got her hands on a camera, she would set up a backdrop anywhere, and have us (my younger sister and I) hold props like flowers or kittens. So fun. However, those were the 90s, and we couldn’t see how the picture would turn out until it was developed. 

Eventually I began buying my own cameras, and was determined to get a good photo of myself, by myself. I know we’ve all been there if this was your era too, lol. After dealing with that decade, and struggle-selfies (ugh), you can imagine how hyped I was to take my first selfie that I could decide to delete and redo if it turned out ugly, lol. Thankfully, it did not. It was perfect, besides the lack of megapixels. Quickly, I learned about self-timers, and had already learned to position myself, as well as the lens, to not show my arm stretching out to get the photo. I was never that much into the mirror selfies for some reason, very rarely you’ll see that type of selfie. Me and the camera have that type of understanding. 

Filters and Editing

(Post-Facebook era.)

At this time, I was upgrading some HTC Touch-Pro to the what all the hype was about. Sprint had just become an authorized Apple retailer. I’ve seen the iPhones, usually cracked screens and the white earplugs, so I couldn’t really see the beauty of the design and had no idea why people were so pressed. Anyway, it was time for a new phone. My little contract was up, so I was shopping for a sleek device with a great camera. I ended up basically doing a poll of what phone I should buy. Samsung Epic or iPhone 4s. One of my co-workers, Elaine, said to me, “Girl, get the iPhone so you can get Instagram!” I was like, whaaaat.. lol I really didn’t know what it was. Another friend told me about something called Flickr. Flickr didn’t sound as exciting as Instagram. Plus Elaine had gave me a preview. All I had at that time was FB and Twitter. Also, maybe you know that IG at that time was exclusive to iPhones.

So yes, I made the switch to Apple. 

I could take a pretty picture that was plain without filters, but being an artist and somewhat of a perfectionist...I needed to do more. I didn’t want basic pics. Neither did I want my skin imperfections showing when I wasn’t wearing. I know nobody’s perfect, but still.

The whole app market thing was very much new to me, but in school (Art Institute), I learned photoshop and ways models/celebs were enhanced with Photoshop. I started looking for apps that I could use to edit, enhance and just give a better visual effect. The camera was good, but the lighting wasn’t always the best wherever I was. I found a bunch of apps, most of them didn’t last. One of them that have always came in handy since I first downloaded it. It’s called PaintFX. It costs to download, and I wasn’t trying to pay for a bunch of apps, but this one was worth it. Lots of tools I found handy way with PFX before the popular makeup apps, and Snapchat’s pretty filters. There’s basic photoshop tools like blur, HD, contrast, saturation and vibrancy in addition to lots of other tools for artistic effects. I used a lot of the art effects back then, but now I keep it simple and apply just enough to make it look editorial (imo). Nowadays, I stick to Adobe Photoshop, PFX, and yes, the popular Perfect365. I DO NOT recommend using the preset makeup beauty looks. Instead, I use the beauty tools. I prefer to lightly enhance my foundation, and/or blur any areas that need it. Even though I often wear full makeup, my lashes could be more enhanced depending on the type of falsies I have on, my highlighter could be accentuated, and sometimes my eyeshadow pigment could be better. I don’t have the top notch makeup brands in my vanity collection yet, nor have I completely mastered applying a full beat. I do pretty good, though. After making sure I look great, if I’m the subject, I use PS tools for my background like contrast, brightness, sharpen or other filters to enhance the photo.

my sessions.

Now that I’ve gotten my editing skills up, learned about the iPhone camera functions...oh and something I forgot to mention is that while in college I took a few classes on film and photography. So I feel like that helped with my photography eye.

Currently I’m working with my 7plus (chill, I’ll upgrade soon hopefully), and finally, my Canon T7. I did have a more compact Samsung camera, but my brother misplaced it. I use my phone for quick edits, and when I don’t feel like carrying around the big Canon. I was determined to get that camera. For years it was on my list, then I put it on my vision board and within a year I got it. The power of manifestation.

The sessions are usually planned out. However, sometimes if I feel like my look should be captured that day I bring out my tripod and if necessary, my lighting. I’m over the fact that people still stare at the whole scene of me taking pictures. Like, come on it’s 2020. It’s perfectly normal by now to see someone taking their own pictures, right? I guess not. It’s still a wonder to watch. It gets annoying, but I try to tune them out with my music and get in my zone. Lately, it’s been in front of my house. Last year, I did a really good shoot in an area that had really good scene options. I was planning my content out for at least three weeks at that time, so I packed a bag of clothes that I could easily change into in my car. I wore black tube top bodysuit as my base, but I packed high-rise jeans, leggings, a duster, big straw hat and a couple of different sunglasses and necklaces. Brought out my tripod, and set the remote on my phone to take the pics. A couple times I did have my daughter take a few pics but mostly she was having fun playing with my nephews running around so I didn’t bother her. Plus, when it’s just me and the camera, I take more pics, and it gets more personal for me. That’s how selfies are.

planning my content.

I like my page grid to look visually pleasing. Years ago, I just took pictures of whatever and posted 3 or more times per day. I noticed how many selfies were on there, and kind of wanted to break that up more often. I know that Instagram was based off of the instant photo and what was happening in the now, like a tweet. But what followers see when they visit your page is your grid as a whole. So I did some research. I found that some people plan their grids out on the desktop version of PS, and others were using planner apps. The planner apps sounded better for me because instead of a desktop software, I could use it on my phone and plan anywhere. The one I found that works for me is called ColorStory. There’s also another called  Planoly that works similar, except you can see your page analysis/stats in addition to editing. That one might be better, I use it on my iPad sometimes.

I like that I can see my existing content, and see what pic looks good next to it as well as around it. I can also plan my captions, what time I post, and get a preview of what it would look like as a single post.. In addition, this app allows you to edit your videos and you can see how they look in advance on your grid. Move pictures around and control the layout. As mentioned in my last post, I also throw some good, but short motivational quotes sporadically throughout. Currently, I have a good week’s worth of posts scheduled. All I have to do is post at a time I’m ready.

Another thing I enjoy doing is making short aesthetic videos. I’ve created several of these cinematic type of videos or my stories, but I have yet to actually post them. I plan on doing that soon. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me ;-) Nice comments are welcome.

Thanks for reading!



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