How to be Happy Again


    This may sound snobbish, bourgeoisie, or selfish or whatever, but eff all that. This is important. I wanted to get this blog article out because for a long time I have been paying attention to people’s behavior patterns toward me, but most importantly, my own towards myself. Emotional reactions, vulnerability, and when happiness is at its highest point. I’m seeing when I feel most confident, and what types of situations I attract. I also noticed what I have been attracted to. My theory is that humans are naturally attracted to those they admire and want to be more like. How people are seen treating others may not be what's admirable. It's how they are treating themselves. How comfortable they are regardless of anyone around them. 

         Being happy is a very personal thing. 

Gratitude is a very necessary thing. Whatever level I'm at in my life, I try to show gratitude for my current blessings. When you appreciate what you have in the present, you are blessed with more in your future. I always have lists of goals, and wants written down. Skincare, cars, relationship goals, home design, fashion...whatever. I think I've been doing that since I was a kid. So if I'm not in the best mood, or I have a lot on my mind, I go to a notebook and evaluate my old goals to see where I'm at, or add new goals. Then I analyze my current situation to see if that's getting me closer to where I want to be in life. 

Staying focus helps to see if what I might be going through, is actually worth my time and energy.

Something else that I noticed is that I feel like a superstar when I look my best. I don't go shopping that much anymore because my priorities have shifted on other things like mortgage and other grown-up responsibilities (ugh). However, when I change my hairstyle, and have my nails done, you really can't tell me shxt. I love stepping out with a fresh hairstyle, but after like a week or two, I don't feel like going anywhere. I still out on my makeup and fix myself up to look my best, though. Errands must be taken care of. 

I'll probably add more to this blog later,  but until then here is a list that I created to remind us good self-love, self-care practices. Personally, I needed this list  because I was in my feelings and I gotta remember who tf I am sometimes. lol Enjoy.


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